Attract Crows: Easy Tips for Backyard Bird Lovers


Ever wonder how to get these smart birds to visit your yard? Crows are more than just loud birds. They help keep your yard clean and keep away predators. They can make your outdoor space better for wildlife.

But, how do you attract crows without causing problems? Learn how to make your yard welcoming to these birds.

Why Attract Crows to Your Backyard?

Crows are very smart birds. They have big brains for their size. They mate for life, use tools, and remember grudges. Having crows in your yard can help by eating waste and pests. They also keep hawks and eagles away.

Crows are amazing because of their crow intelligence and crow behavior. They can live in many places, from farms to cities. Watching them can show you how smart they are.

Some people might not like crows because they can be loud. But, they are good for the environment. They help keep the ecosystem healthy.

If you love birds and want smart ones in your yard, try to attract crows. They can make your outdoor space special. With a little work, they can become a great part of your yard.

Understanding Crow Diets and Preferences

Crows eat many things. They like insects, small frogs, seeds, berries, eggs, and even dead animals. To get crows to come to your yard, give them foods like unsalted peanuts, cat or dog kibble, hard-boiled eggs, suet, nuts, and fresh fruit.

Don’t give crows foods that are bad for them. Stay away from foods with sugar, salt, avocados, beans, chocolate, or caffeine. Knowing what do crows eat and their crow food preferences helps make your yard welcoming.

Crows can live in many places because they eat both plants and animals. In the wild, they eat insects, small mammals, reptiles, eggs, nestlings, fruits, berries, seeds, and nuts. They also eat dead animals, which helps them do well in cities.

  • Crows like human food waste. They look for pizza crusts and leftover sandwiches in trash cans.
  • What crows eat changes with the seasons. In spring and summer, they eat insects, small animals, fruits, and nestlings. In fall and winter, they eat nuts, seeds, and carrion.
  • Crows are smart. They use tools to get food and even crack open nuts by dropping them from high up.

By knowing crow food preferences and giving them healthy food, you can feed crows in your yard. This way, you can enjoy their company and help them stay healthy.

Providing Water Sources for Crows

Crows need clean, fresh water like all birds. A crow bird bath or water feature in your yard can attract them. Make sure the bath is wide and deep for their size.

It’s key to keep the water source clean. This lets crows drink, bathe, and care for their feathers. It keeps them healthy and happy.

  • The pedestal birdbath has a 60-watt heater for cold weather.
  • The natural ground birdbath uses just 70 watts for a low-energy option.
  • The 3-in-1 birdbath fits on posts, deck railings, or the ground for easy setup.
  • A water mister gives a fine mist for birds to cool off.

Adding these water features makes your backyard welcoming for crows and other wildlife. It also helps the National Wildlife Federation’s conservation work.

crow bird baths

How to Attract Crows

Crows can’t fit in regular bird feeders. But, you can make your backyard welcoming with tasty treats. Spread out nuts, cat or dog kibble, and meat scraps in open spots. Use platform feeders for more room.

Feed them at the same times every day, like morning and evening. Crows are smart and will find where to eat. They’ll come back for more.

Offer their favorite foods to draw them in. Peanuts and suet are high in fat and protein. Corn is cheap and they love it. Put these in sheltered feeding stations for safety.

Also, add a birdbath for water. Crows like to drink from the ground. Keep the area clean for their health.

Creating Roosting Spots for Crows

Crows like to sleep together at night. They use things like telephone wires and tree branches. If your backyard doesn’t have a place for them, you can make one.

Put up a wooden pole with a crossbar. It’s a great spot for crows to rest and talk. This will make them want to come back to your backyard crow habitats more often.

Crows sleep in big groups, sometimes with thousands of birds. If you make a special spot for them in your yard, they’ll have a safe place to sleep. This might make them come to your yard more often.

  • Choose a location that is elevated, away from predators, and has a good view.
  • Erect a wooden pole, about 6-10 feet tall, with a horizontal crossbar near the top.
  • Consider adding more perches or platforms to hold more birds.
  • Make sure the spot is open, not hidden by trees or bushes.
  • Watch the area and change things to make it better for the crows.

By making a roosting spot, you can attract crows to your yard. You’ll get to see their interesting social behaviors. And you’ll help your local crow nesting sites population.

Maintaining a Quiet and Peaceful Environment

Creating a backyard for crows means making it quiet and calm. These smart birds get scared by loud sounds and sudden moves. So, it’s important to keep your outdoor space peaceful.

Don’t use things that scare crows, like wind chimes or squeaky gates. Turn down the volume on TVs and radios. This way, you’ll make a quiet space for crows to enjoy.

Crows like making backyard crow-friendly areas for quiet activities. They like to watch and take care of their young in peace. By keeping crows calm, you make your yard a nice place for them.

To avoid crow deterrents, don’t make sudden moves or use bright lights. A quiet backyard is great for attracting and keeping crows.

Quiet backyard

Remember, crows are smart and can adapt. So, a quiet, safe space is key to welcoming them to your backyard.

Using Crow Calls and Decoys

Attracting crows can be fun for backyard bird lovers. Using crow calls and decoys is a great way to draw them in. Crows like to hear sounds like their own. So, playing crow calls can make them curious about your yard.

Adding crow decoys can also help. Crows notice things they see. So, decoys can tell them your yard is safe and lively. Using a moving decoy can make crows even more interested.

Crows are smart and love to explore. So, try different crow call sounds and decoy spots. With a bit of effort, you can make your yard a favorite spot for crows.

Offering Nesting Materials

Crows are smart birds that gather materials to make nests. By giving them natural nesting stuff in your yard, you make it welcoming. This lets you see how they build nests up close.

Crows like to nest 10 to 70 feet up in tall trees. You can attract them with twigs, pine needles, bark strips, and animal fur. Put these near water and places for them to rest to make your yard even more inviting.

Choose natural fibers that are safe for birds. Don’t use plastic because it’s harmful. Instead, use wool, cotton, or human hair (collected right) for their nests.

By giving them crow nesting materials, you make a crow-friendly nesting spot. You also get to see how they build their homes. With a bit of work, your yard can become a cozy backyard crow habitat.

Providing Open Spaces with Cover

Crows love open spaces and places to hide. They need areas to forage and trees to hide. A crow-friendly backyard should have both.

Crows are smart and remember things well. They can spot people and hold grudges. To get crows to visit, make your yard like their ideal crow habitat.

  • Use a mix of open spaces and trees for foraging and hiding.
  • Don’t make your yard too tight. Crows like to see around them.
  • Put your crow-friendly landscaping in a spot that’s open but has cover nearby.

With open areas and cover, you’ll attract crows. Your crow-friendly backyard will be a hit with these smart birds.

The Myth of Crows and Shiny Objects

Many think crows love shiny things, but science says no. Studies show this idea is just a story, not real facts.

One study with magpies found only two times out of 64 tests where birds touched shiny objects. This shows the myth about crows and shiny things is not true.

But, some stories say crows might take shiny stones or metal things from gardens. Even though these stories are interesting, they’re not enough for science. Scientists are trying to figure out why crows might do this.

Crows are smart and can adapt, but they mostly come for food and a safe place. By giving them food and a quiet spot, you can attract crows without the shiny object myth.

In short, the idea that crows love shiny things is not backed by science. Knowing what crows really like can help make your backyard a great place for them.


Attracting crows to your backyard is fun for bird lovers. These smart birds bring many benefits to outdoor spaces. To get them to visit, you need to know what they like to eat and drink.

Make sure they have water and safe places to rest. Keep your yard quiet and peaceful. Adding crow calls and decoys can make your yard even more welcoming.

With time and effort, you can enjoy having crows around. Learning how to attract them and watching birds can make you appreciate them more. It also helps your local ecosystem.

Crows are not just signs of bad luck. They are smart, strong, and beautiful. By inviting them to your yard, you make your space better. You also help protect these amazing birds and your local bird population.


What are the benefits of attracting crows to my backyard?

Crows are smart birds. They help clean up nature and keep pests away. They also keep hawks and eagles from bothering you.

What kind of food do crows prefer?

Crows eat many things like insects and seeds. They like nuts, fruit, and even meat. They love foods high in protein.

How can I provide a reliable water source for crows?

Use a big bird bath for crows. Make sure it’s clean and filled often. This will attract them to your yard.

Where should I place food to attract crows?

Crows can’t use regular bird feeders. But, you can put food on the ground or in big feeders. Use nuts, kibble, and meat scraps for them.

How can I create a safe roosting spot for crows?

Make a crow roost with a wooden pole and crossbar. It’s a cozy spot for them to rest. This will make them visit your yard more.

What should I avoid to maintain a quiet and peaceful environment for crows?

Keep your yard quiet for crows. Don’t use loud things like wind chimes. Turn down TVs and radios too.

How can I use crow calls and decoys to attract them?

Use crow calls to draw them in. You can also use decoys. This tells crows your yard is safe and lively.

What kind of nesting materials should I provide for crows?

Offer twigs, pine needles, and fur for nesting. This will attract crows to nest in your yard.

Do crows really like shiny objects?

It’s a myth that crows like shiny things. But, young crows might find them interesting because of their curiosity.

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